40 Best Questions To Ask Your Video Production Agency Before Hiring

Before You Hire: Top Questions for Video Production Companies

This entails creating a list of interview questions for the potential vendor to answer so you can be confident that they effectively understand the work you intend to execute jointly.  

It’s crucial to find out if the agency clearly understands the brief and details of your company so you receive an end product that portray your business in the best light and is tracked to measurable revenue goals. 

To help save you time, we’ve put together the 40 best questions to ask your video production company/agency before hiring.

We’ve divided this exhaustive list of questions into sets to help you quickly reference what you may be looking for:

Questions about the creative process

1. How long have they been in the Industry

This question has no set right or wrong response. 

The reason you should ask this question is to try to find out if the agency in question has enough experience and competence. The question also helps you figure out the time involved in the creative process.

It's reasonable to assume that the longer the business has been around, the higher the chances of producing a quality end product. Business longevity also means they’ve had a higher opportunity to serve more clients.


Longevity is not always a sure sign of competence. We’ve seen many video production companies say they have been making videos for “20+ years” but never explained how that was calculated. Is that the years of experience of their key personal? A combined amount of years between the team? A combination of freelance years vs established company years. Ask directly to explain what that means if you feel there is a lack of clarity.

2. What types of videos do they produce?

It’s not a surprise to see a video production company with a huge range of industries represented. Some companies choose to focus in a very niche industry while others are more generalists. When you ask this question, you’re looking to find out if they have created a win in a similar industry segment or have made a video like your concept before.

The reason you need to ask this, is to find out if what they regularly do fits with what you want for your business. It’s really an assessment of risk question.


If the vendor doesn’t have an exact example of what you are thinking, don’t panic. CineSalon gets clients all the time that request “new” ideas we have not yet filmed. The reality is that most concepts are rooted to 1 of a few general story telling frame works. Great ads follow a certain flow, event videos use similar graphics and build ups, short stories have clear rising and falling actions. Don’t get caught up in that part of it. 

Do be concerned if the production company has never created for a video production of a certain scale. If they only make 10k and under ads, with a crew of less than 4 and the request is 100k with a team of 15-20 common sense says due diligence is required. Also this is true for the quality of the end product, if they have a more marketplace model of sourcing creatives there may be a greater risk as budgets get higher and more complex.

3. How do you typically concept ideas?

This question is designed to help both parties understand each others culture and working processes. It’s a great way to see if the company works more collaboratively or not. Typically production companies are part of a much bigger marketing strategy and are required to be “team players” sharing their unique insights to build a better campaign, but not always. Some great firms we’ve worked with present a singular concept after weeks of working and the brand accepts this as their best work, with little input as they are not in-house experts in that area of marketing and realize why they are paying for outside help.


You need to expect great ideas, it’s what you are paying for. You video vendor should be able to real-time concept a few rough ideas quickly after a concept is pitched. If they can’t it’s because of 1 of 2 reasons, you are not clear on what you want to convey or they don’t understand your market and business. Bluntly ask if this is the case. “Am I clear” or “Do you understand our business model and customers… can you repeat to me what we do?”

If this still is at a standstill, we highly suggest you put a pause on the campaign and revisit your strategy. It’ll be painful but will save you down the line.

4. Can you explain a win for a previous client and how you achieved that?

This can sometimes catch production companies off guard so be clear why you are asking. Sometimes, especially when it comes to a direct revenue goal, video production companies can not release that type of information. They can however say general assumptions.

“We grew sales 200% directly tracked to our video efforts”
“Our training videos reduced worker injuries and claims by 50%”
“Website hits increased to 2000 from 1000 during the months the video was active”

A video production agency needs to show the ability to prove revenue. It’s their responsibility to help marketing as much as possible in tracking ROI from their efforts when it makes sense to do so.


It easy to list vanity metric wins, “this video got over 100k views.” That’s great if the result was awareness, but how many leads did it create? If the results stated are very vague, ask deeper qualifying questions. Sometimes the brand/agency didn’t realize that information to the vendor, that’s ok too but be sure to clarify it. Don’t be a sucker by looking past ROI, you’re paying for this and need to see return!

Questions on strategy

5. How will my project be managed?

The reason to ask this question is to ensure you hire a company competent enough to deliver the work as per the deadline. You should expect the company to explain to you about their organization, work preparation, and communications. At the end of the session, you should be sure the company will deliver quality work and keep time.

6. Do you understand our vision?

This question is critical, it’s one of the most important qualifying questions you can ask. An effective video partner will need to be immersed in your brand’s vision and understand what messaging you need to convey to your consumers. 

There is no reason for this to ever be off. Everything the creator is making should be inline with the greater strategy of the company and your marketing team.

7. Which strategy do you use to market yourself?

The same strategy the video producer uses to market themselves is likely the same; they might be attempted to use on your business. The purpose of asking this question is to try to find out if the marketing plan the company will undertake will be useful or not.

There is no definite answer to this question, but if the company cannot present itself, do not expect them to have information about proper marketing.

8. What difference will your company bring on my videos?

It is always wise to hire a company that can produce a corporate video which will help your business stand unique and shine. Find out if the company is just curious about making money or delivering quality. The reason you ask this question is to find out if the company has interacted with your previous video and understand where improvements in needed.

9  . What is the action plan once we commit to the project?

When you ask this question, you want to know the methodology the company intends to use in the process. Always expect a response with a method that is effective, less costly and will take the shortest time possible, especially on video editing.

10. How will they ensure the resultant video communicate your business message?

You ask this question to find out if the company can simulate your business idea into a video. Also, you will try to find out if the company is competitive enough in extracting and selling a business idea in a unique manner. 

11. What filming and editing tools will they be using?

Here you intend to know if the video production company in question is using the latest Video production trends & technology in both filming and editing. It’s also a check that equipment used is matching the budget requested. It’s very easy to assume using a Red or Arri camera will create beautiful results, but it’s just not true. Even cinema cameras have weaknesses if used for the wrong type of productions. Also, depending on your distribution needs, it may be over-kill and drain a budget.

Knowing the equipment helps for archiving and fixes later. Agencies and brands can then plan for editing if it may be needed in the future. Using a common editing program and codec allows for reduction of costs, as help can be more easily found.


Cinema cameras use very robust codec formats, retaining large amounts of information. This is incredible from a quality stand point but will cause a huge bottle neck if not planned for. It’s not uncommon for a simple production to yield 300-600GB of files. These files also are processor intensive, and will lock up most standard issue computers. 

Be sure the production company is not using outdated software such as Final Cut 7 or a very early Adobe creative suite. Most companies will not be doing this as it doesn’t make business sense to do so, but smaller owner/operators may. This can be disastrous if edits need to be made and will lock you to that vendor; best advice, avoid it and make sure they are up to date and willing to share the project file if requested.

Questions on budget

12. How much value do they provide? 

This is more of a self assessed question; It can be a tricky one. 

Value for money spent does not mean cheap. An expensive video that created many times its return is very much worth the cost. On the other hand, “cheap” video production with poor quality implies a waste of time and resources. No one wants to do a video twice.

A good rule of thumb is to weigh the following:

Cost of the service
Time saved by using this vendor
Expected result value
Risk % of missing expectations
Risk % of execution failure

By evaluating the above, you can make a pretty solid case for “is this vendor creating value” 


It’s easy to quickly dismiss higher cost vendors but most of the time these higher costs are correlated to industry knowledge, known management costs, extra needed equipment, and other hidden extras that make sense for the job. Low costs are sometimes correlated with small entities that don’t have the experience to foresee costs down the line of production. There are also bait and switch techniques in this industry that can occur, where the vendor is actually selling you only the finish product with no rights to your footage, or leaving an asterisk as to what is covered by the quote. Make sure the vendor is very clear on their prices. If the company you’re vetting can’t ballpark a price on your first meeting or requests a call to negotiate costs vs transparent pricing… RUN!

13. Can you give the project a budget estimate?

Although it is hard to quote the exact price the project will cost, a reputable company should always have a rough estimate for any project. Not having a top of mind price within a short amount of time means they are guessing their margins per job. That’s unsustainable and a clear sign the vendor is on shaky ground. 

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You ask this question to find out if the video production company has the overall estimated cost of the project, which would otherwise mean they have had a similar project in the past. Always expect creative and unique ideas on how to maximize the set budget. It’s the job of the production company to work within your budget and let you know the reality of your idea. 

An experienced company will have no reservations telling you what’s possible vs not, if they say yes to everything, be.  

14. How do you handle project revisions?

Asking this question means you intend to get further certain the company understands your project clearly. You expect to get an understanding of the company knowns the risks in video production associated with unexpected costs. 

15. How will your budget guarantee quality video?

You need to ask this question to find out how far the company intends to go in spending to ensure they have the best video. Always expect ideas such as outsourcing of filming tools and technocrats if the current ones fail to meet a quality threshold. 

Questions on planning and location

16. Where will the video shooting be conducted?

Depending on the message you intend to communicate, you will need to select specific locations to shoot the video. The reason behind asking the videographer this question is to find out if they have experience relating to video shooting and the site. You should as well ask them if they are okay to travel for the sake of the project. 

Most videographers would prefer to shoot locally than traveling. This should be your expectation, which can help you in narrowing your choices. 

17. What does video production house entail?

When you have a business plan, it is clear you know your product and what you intend to sell. It is also quite clear that the next step is seeking marketing plans. Video production can mean a lot into ensuring marketing is realized.

A video production house helps in offering an environment that can help in creating videos that are original and will fit firmly in the marketing of the business. You should expect the videographer to explain more to you about the video house set up and some of the components. 

18. According to you, is the project private in terms of location?

Asking this question helps you to know if your business idea has the very best security. You also intend to know if the company will be producing in a private place where your business competitor can easily steal your idea.

Always expect an answer on how all files will be kept a top-secret, seen by workers only, and any communication will be strictly formal.

19. Do you have restrictions on where to shoot a video?

Most video producers do local videos. It may sound expensive to a videographer when you try to tell them you intend to change their geographical preference area. If your video shooting must involve multiple cities, it is prudent to ensure your videographer has or can access enough technicians for the video workforce. 

Questions on how pre-production is handled

20. Does the company have a platform for managed scale?

In high volume video production, a lot of moving parts needs to be managed. They include filming to the screening and script-writing ordering. It is therefore essential to work with a videographer who provide a platform with scalable video production tools which can help you in tracking the entire production for recommendations.

When you ask this question, you should expect the videographer to let you know how he or she will prepare for the project and how you (the project owner), will receive updates on the progress.

21. Do you offer subsequent video revisions?

You seek information on pre-production using this question to find out how prepared is the videographer in sharing the workflow. Sharing the project flow means the company is ready to involve you in the process, which otherwise ensures the project proceed consistently. 

Usually, you should expect the hiring company to state that they will provide you with at least two rounds of revision at every stage process. 

22. What ideas can you offer on rescheduling the video purpose?

Videos can be created for more than one purpose. For example, you can use a single video to market your business on social media, blog post, e-mails, and on your website. You ask this question to find out if the company you want to hire can help you maximize your resources by reaching out to more customers.

Always be sure to expect an answer that does not favor on how you can use little cash. The videographer is on business, and the more videos they shoot, the more their earnings.

23. What steps are involved in video creating?

It is essential to understand the steps followed in the creation of your video. The company should be in contact with your team of experts throughout the development process. However, you should be able to direct more questions on the points you do not understand. The best company should be able to explain the entire process even you have received the product. Video creating takes about the six-step process.

These are script, voiceover, the frame style, storyboard, music, video, and the sound effect. When you ask this question, you intend to establish if the videographer understands how these steps are integrated for a better-quality video. You expect the agency to state the steps categorically and why they must be followed strictly. Failure to correctly answer this question is an indication of a lack of technical capacity. You should move to the next option to avoid costly mistakes. 

Questions on how will production be handled

24. Do you provide a cast?

You must be well prepared for the video recording session. Among the resources that you need is a qualified and well-prepared cast. You shall need to have a casting team on standby if the company does not provide a cast for the video recording. Most agencies offer a qualified cast while they still allow you to hire a cast of your choice for the recording sessions.

25. Do you have quality production equipment?

You should hire a company that has invested in modern equipment. Modern equipment is vital in the production of quality videos. The ideal partner should have modern equipment. Most companies respond with a link to the equipment that they use in their recording sessions.

26. Do you supervise production?

A good video company works to ensure that your end product is of the highest quality possible. A production management team should be available to ensure that the entire recording process runs smoothly. In addition, the company should be involved in the process of editing your script. The response from the company should include information on the supervision of the script.

27. Where will the video be shot?

You need to be aware of the venue for the video shoot. You have the option of selecting your venue. The company may also provide a venue for the shots. While on other occasions you may have a venue for the recording, the company might suggest better sites to choose from. A good response should outline the company's procedures for selecting the video shoot venues.

Questions on how post-production will be handled

28. How timely are your deliveries?

The highest quality videos available in different platforms are edited after the recording. One needs to know whether the video shall be edited or not. Most of the companies edit the videos. Some of these companies may also allow you to seek the services of your editing professionals. The best video partners provide advanced video editing options at affordable prices. A good response points out the available editing options and the cost for each option.

It is essential to learn about the time it shall take to complete your project. A good company should be able to deliver the video that you need within your deadline. A positive response should include detailed information on the time taken to complete previous projects. The company should also provide a timeframe for the completion of your project. Since most creator might lie to retain the clients, you should opt for the most reasonable timeframe.

29. Which visuals are specifically captured?

You need to extra help in the selection of visuals that you need to focus on during the recording. The ideal company should have a qualified team that has captured videos in the past. An insight into the areas of emphasis during the video recording sessions helps one to prepare the cast for their specific roles. Videos of the previous projects created by the company should be made available in the response outlining the areas of emphasis during the recording sessions. 

30. How will I know of the developments?

Your team needs to be aware of the progress made in the recording of your video. One needs to get a step by step update and a sketch of the progress. Understanding the development of the entire project helps one to make relevant edits before it is too late. The response should include info on how the company shall maintain contact with your team during the process. The company should also inform you of the specific content areas that you shall be receiving through the updates.

Questions on how will the delivery of footage/distribution be handled?

31. Do you distribute the footage?

Most clients are not involved directly in the distribution of marketing posts. You need to be aware of the role you shall play in the distribution of the video. Other video agencies provide marketing services at affordable prices

A good response from the agency should include the mediums of distributing your post and a list of the current posts they are advertising. You should use the information to make proper preparations for the distribution of the video.

32. Do you edit the final post, and what happens if I do not like it?

The final post should undergo several processes of editing to reach the target market. If the video company does not edit the video to your specifications, you should outsource the services of an editing team. A good agency ensures that the final post it produces is well edited to the specifications of its client. The post should be made accessible from different devices. Additionally, the post should be available in various formats. 

The end product turns out to be the opposite of the outcome expected by the client. Luckily, the companies have an important goal to ensure customer satisfaction is achieved at all time. A good company should respond with a clear outline of the contingency plans in case of such an event. Some companies edit the product at affordable products. Other agencies will advise you on the available options for recreating the content to meet your needs.

33. Which region do you cover?

Most companies handle distribution responsibilities. Unluckily, some agencies only indulge in the distribution of content within a specified geographical location. You need to know the available options to be prepared for the distribution role. The best reply should be highlighting the regions covered by the company. You should use the responses to select a company that covers the geographical location composed of your target market. 

Questions on what will be done after I receive the product?

34. Can I receive discounts in the future?

As a regular client in need of a good video agency, you should get a company that cares about maintaining its clients. Most companies provide generous discounts for clients who come back for additional services. You should find out whether you shall be able to receive discounts from the company in the future. An excellent response should outline a list of the regular customers that are satisfied with the quality of services that they receive.

35. Do you review the footage?

Most companies provide reviewing services for the content that they create. Reviews from the companies are quite affordable and time-saving. You should inquire about the stakeholders that are involved in the revisions and reviews of your project. A good response should contain a line about the charges and relevant parties that shall be included in the review of your footage. 

36. What will be required for the video edits?

After receiving the product, one may need to add some edits. The edits might be new additions of omitted parts of the script. The edits are quite necessary, especially if you need to a particular group. Some companies are likely to turn you away in case you need some further editing after receiving the product. A good response highlights the qualifications for additional editing.

Questions on Legal Rights/Contracting

37. What is the payment schedule?

The payment formula used by the company is a factor that you should consider when selecting a partner. Some companies require full payment upfront.  

Other companies require the payment of a certain percentage, say 50% before the commencement of the project. The remaining percentage is paid once the project is completed. A good response from the company should be in favor of your financial obligations and plans. 

38. Who has the video's ownership?

Once you have made the full payment for the video, you automatically assume the full ownership of copyrights. You should inquire on whether the company might use your video or characters in its future creations or advertisements. Your team should negotiate the full terms and conditions of the ownership rights. 

39. Which music score do you use?

Some videos have previously been pulled down from YouTube and other platforms over licensing issues. You should seek a creator that uses licensed voice over and music scores. The agency of your choosing should also be able to help you in the process of obtaining a license for web/broadcast and perpetual. A good response should contain information on how the company will ensure that your final product adheres to the licensing and copyright terms and conditions.

40. Can I edit the post?

After receiving the final post, you need to have the authority to edit some parts. The need to edit your post might arise after some time. You may use the services of your team to edit the post. Alternatively, you may use the services of your content creator to edit the post. The best response should clearly state whether you can edit the post on your own or through the original creators. The answer should also include information on the payment options for edit. 

Conclusion, Glad You Made It This Far!

While searching for the best video agency, you should remember that video projects are different.

Services provided by the agencies differ from one company to another. You, therefore, need to scrutinize the available companies by asking the relevant questions carefully.

Hiring the right video production agency can make all the difference in the success of your project. The 40 questions listed in this article provide a comprehensive guide to help you make an informed decision when selecting a video production agency.

By using this information, you can ensure that you choose an agency that is well-equipped to meet your needs and help you achieve your goals.

If you have any additional questions or need further guidance, don't hesitate to contact CineSalon. We are always happy to help you make the most of your video production project. 

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