5 Examples of the Best Nonprofit Videos to Inspire You

It’s not uncommon for nonprofit organizations to release videos that educate and feature the good their organization contributes to society.

It has become a useful tool in accomplishing their goals. 

And one of the goals of a nonprofit organization is to help those unable to help themselves. But since they do not intend to make a profit, they need all the help they can get in spreading their message to the rest of the population.

Unlike most videos that aim to make a profit out of the viewership, the best nonprofit videos are mainly intended to move their audience with real stories of pain, hopelessness, and the light at the end of the tunnel.

There are always people in need, and their plight is often buried beneath the glamor of the tabloids, the gravity of the news stories, and the obsession over the latest phone. 

Who is left to care for these people?

Nonprofit organizations need to release content that details what their organization does so that more people are aware of what the rest of the world is going through. A video is the best way to do this because of the powerful emotions it can evoke.

This article will help inspire you to create the best nonprofit videos for your organization with some examples of other nonprofit videos. 

How effective are nonprofit videos?

Videos can be very effective when wielded the right way. You need to set a tone and evoke emotions from people who have probably never gone through these hardships before.

Your audience should feel emotional and care for your organization’s mission at the same time. Make your message easy to understand but thought-provoking enough that it stays with the audience for years afterward.

Compelling stories move people, and the strongest way to move people is through emotions. Emotion are a complex feature found in humans. 

We cry for characters onscreen because we see a little bit of ourselves in them. We cringe in embarrassment when a character goes through something humiliating because we relate to their experience.

The tricky thing with nonprofit videos is that some people have never gone through these experiences before, which means your video has to be able to make an emotional connection immediately. 

Despite its potential, it can be looked over if it starts too slow. That’s why you have to choose the right video production company.

Ensure they know how to drive your point forward and win over the hearts of the audience to fulfill your reasons for releasing a video.

How do nonprofit organizations pay for explainer videos?

It’s not a secret that paying for professionally-shot and professionally-made videos is expensive. 

Some nonprofit organizations work with video production companies that are also nonprofit. They see eye-to-eye on cutting down production costs without sacrificing the entire video's quality and message.

Finding the video production company that is the right fit for your nonprofit organization is essential because a company that won’t accommodate your needs to cut costs is not worth partnering with. 

Look for a video production company that encourages creativity within your video to be fresh and unique. Audiences are always looking for something that has never been done before. 

What are the reasons for making nonprofit videos?

As the word suggests, explainer videos are commonly used to promote something the organization is doing. These are the main reasons why nonprofit explainer videos are created: 

1. Raising awareness

Despite the availability of information in society thanks to the rise of digital technology, there still seems to be a lack of awareness for movements that promote human rights and social justice.

Nonprofit organizations can use explainer videos to counter this and raise awareness for just and worthy causes. People need to understand that the world we live in is not black and white. 

Crime, substance abuse, prostitution—all these things exist in the world we live in today, and some people aren’t as lucky to keep themselves away from it.

Videos are an effective way of raising awareness because it’s easier to digest and they allow the audience to connect with the characters onscreen emotionally. 

2. Hosting a fundraiser

A fundraiser is one of the common reasons why explainer videos are created. Nonprofit organizations aren’t financially supported by the government or other people in power, so they have to figure out away to get that financial aid. 

Videos intended to host a fundraiser usually start with a story to raise awareness and then showcase the hotline or methods available for donation.

Video production with CineSalon

Sometimes, donations can even be in food and old clothes instead of cash if the nonprofit organization is a charity.

3. Promoting a conference

To successfully promote a conference through a nonprofit explainer video, it is best to highlight what the organization has achieved in previous conferences or events over the years. 

It allows them to understand the importance of supporting a just cause and may encourage them to attend.

Conferences can also be a great avenue to educate students to know what’s happening and how they can help. 

4. Releasing educational content

There is always a learning experience to be found in everything that we do. People have to keep learning and keep moving forward to grow. 

Nonprofit organizations can use videos to release educational content that pushes innovation boundaries. Ideas are laid out, and minds start whirling, driven by their imagination and the infinite possibilities. 

No idea is too complicated for a video. You just need the right video production company to help you express it. 

Here are some examples to help you start creating your videos:

#1: Fight for Survival

This video is beautiful and simple. It uses animation that mimics a flipbook. Only 30 seconds long, it highlights the goals of the organization Every Mother Counts and invites audiences to learn more information about the nonprofit organization.

A simple animation style diverts the audience’s attention towards the message, allowing them to focus on what is being said rather than what is shown. 

#2: Exodus Cry

This video tackles a subject matter that weighs heavily on most people. Exodus Cry aims to shed light on the realities of human trafficking and prostitution.

It answers the question, “Is prostitution a choice?” and discusses how women are often led to believe that it is their only option. It further elaborates and concludes that prostitution cannot be a choice if it is the only option left for women in need.

Exodus Cry connects human trafficking and prostitution but focuses more on women who were not trafficked but ended up living a life as a prostitute anyway. 

The video's score is compelling, and the animation is detailed, both geared towards driving the point home. Overall, it created a compelling story that pushes its viewers to get involved and care about the women forced to live this kind of life. 

This video proves that animation can be just as effective as a live-action video because it is more versatile in the storytelling it can create and the fluid transitions as we move from one scene to another.

It can be said that videos hit harder if it comes with a resounding conclusion. Although the phrase, “Prostitution preys on the most vulnerable of our society,” is a jarring phrase, Exodus Cry ends with a call to action: “Choose this fight. Share this video. Tell the world the truth about prostitution.” 

The narration makes it even more compelling, proving that you can keep things simple but still achieve your goal of raising awareness and educating the masses. 

#3: The Impossible Hug

This video is one of many videos that does not immediately show what it’s promoting. At first, it shows how easy it is to hug people—all you have to do is ask.

It even goes on to promote how hugs can make even the grumpiest monsters like Godzilla feel a little less angry. 

As it gets closer to the end, it shows a couple unable to hug their premature baby, effectively revealing what it’s really about. 

The 47-second video seeks to raise awareness about the fragility of babies who are born premature and the emotional and financial toll it takes on the parents. 

A voiceover narrates the whole thing, but a unique take the video has is the complete lack of music. 

It is seen as risky not to use music in emotional matters like this video. Still, the absence of music helps emphasize the topic because nurseries have to be quiet to allow babies to sleep. 

Visuals and sound design are an integral part of this story, and there are no live-action scenes. This proves once again that you don’t need a live-action video with great actors to portray a great story. 

#4: The Girl Effect 

Simple illustrations can provide a compelling narrative. The Girl Effect tells the story of how children as young as 12 can be forced into a life as a young wife, a young mother, and a life of sexually transmitted diseases as she falls into prostitution to support her family.

There is no voiceover narrating the story. It is just a set of words and illustrations that seamlessly weave into one another to tell you the story. The color palette it uses: yellow, black, white, and red are simple but serve as a strong symbolization of good and evil.

You can also try employing the same technique by letting each color represent a character in your video. 

#5: HIAS: For the Refuge

Contrary to the other videos, which last less than one minute, this video is about 2 minutes long. It also isn’t overly emotional, but it still manages to present a powerful message that talks about refugees' lives.

The subject it talks about is illustrated through illustrations and smooth motion animations supported by a narrator and a compelling score.

It does not seek to empower nor provide a light at the end of the tunnel. It aims to inform people about the plight refugees experience just for being who they are.

HIAS: For the Refuge talks about the lack of human rights in some parts of the world while others thrive on individuality. 

At some parts, it emphasizes how even one's religion, sexual orientation, or gender can prevent them from a life of equality. It highlights how "just being yourself" can be a death sentence.

This video's primary goal is to raise awareness and deliver the bitter truth. 


There are significant benefits that can be achieved from releasing a video, especially for non-profit organizations. As long as you have a message to convey and a mission to raise awareness, you have a video idea to continue pursuing.

Remember that just because you already have a video does not mean you can simply release it. Employ simple marketing strategies so that your video gets the quality engagement it needs.

Partner up with a video production company that knows and respects your goals and develops the story alongside you. Creativity is essential in creating a video, so unleash your ideas and come to a negotiation with the company.

No idea is too complex for a video. It just has to be expressed the right way. Never lose sight of your goals: are you raising awareness? Are you doing this with the intent to educate? Are you aiming to promote a fundraiser or a conference? 

Keep that in mind as you continue with the video production. Emotional connection to the audience is one of the most critical aspects of the best nonprofit videos.

Sometimes, all you have to do is keep things short and simple. You don’t need to complicate things with fancy animations and live-action shots. 

Go for what suits your nonprofit organization, but don’t lose sight of what it’s really about. 

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