In 2005, YouTube unleashed video expression to the online users' and exposed to the viewers millions of videos. Overtime, the video shave grown to billions in viewership, not to mention the equally massive number of YouTube subscribers on user's channels where fans can subscribe and stay updated with the latest video content.
Facebook launched four years later, and it has evolved within credible video content in the recent past. Other video-based platforms quickly rose from the popularity of video marketing, such as Vine and Snapchat. The varieties of video presentations offer endless opportunities for brands to evoke emotions inspire and appeal to their audience needs in an authentic way.
Your brand shouldn't be a motionless plan on a piece of paper—bring it to life and show the world what you're up to with product innovation and who is behind your brand. Video generates pulse and provides a fun way to introduce and demonstrate your marketing strategies.
Competitive brands evolve continually, telling your story keeps your audience connected and exposes you to new viewers—who sooner or later, become loyal clients.
Videos create an instant, realistic route of connectivity and communication with your audience, who nowadays provide real-time reactions, immediate criticism and product reviews.
Companies must progress with the times or fade out. In the next 2-3 years, online content will consist of 80% video content, not to mention the ever rising consumption of mobile video content today.
Here is a list of video statistics to ponder on:
84 percent of online shoppers indicate that product videos influence their buying decisions.
60 percent of videos viewed via mobile phones are more likely to be shared across social networks.
95 percent of consumers preserve videos on their mobile devices, while a paltry 10 percent retain written content.
Businesses using video content saw a 65percent traffic increase via web searches compared to companies that do not include video content in their marketing strategies.
51.9 percent Video content offers the best ROI, marketing experts agree.
With this information, can you see your business utilizing video content marketing? Do you have any social platforms in mind as a target marketing strategy? Online surfers connect with branded videos every day.
Your brand's authenticity will make you stand out and attract more customers. Go where they are, share your brand, products and services on video—and they will connect.
This is the most complete guide to help you understand the type of video content you can choose for your marketing strategy.
We haven't covered all the types of videos because advertising is an ongoing process and constantly is evolving.
We hope that this guide will show you how to start your video marketing journey. Use these resources and decide the best possible angle to begin, and grow your business with video content to help decide which ones might be the best fit for you.
Video marketing is one of the most engaging customer oriented interactive ways to boost your brand. Every detail of the commercial videos communicates something to the customer. From alluring music, to well-placed key words and punch lines-not forgetting the educative message you aim to reach your sea of clients on the web.
The point here is to captivate your audience with powerful unforgettable memories of your products. It should linger in their minds for a while every time they come across a related item; or an experience similar to what they saw on the video ad.
Even if they won't bring instant sales, videos always bring out an organic connection to satisfy the curiosity and try out your product or service with the hope of achieving amazing results; just like they saw it on your video. Remember, you're informing, selling and captivating prospective clients to buy-in your brand. Create a lasting memory.
Educational videos focus on brand awareness more than selling products. The video content projects the Company values and how to interrelate what the brand is all about, be it saving lives, conserving the environment or caring for the less fortunate.
Educational videos merge CSR and product or service delivery. An immediate sales drive is nota priority and so the video can make great featured content on the front page of a blog, company website or social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram.
You can create a beautiful engaging slide educational video to inform the viewer on a certain issues that focus on your company values, product, or service. Lay emphasis on the issues most likely faced by your clients, and let the video provide a natural solution to similar problems that most folks can identify with when they watch your video.
Industry videos are more like infomercials where they highlight a trending problem in a certain industry that most viewers resonate with.
Some audiences may not have a clue about these issues that your brand is trying to raise, however they feel compelled to observe the industrial challenges that others have experienced. Your video climax should highlight your brand as the solution provider.
It ought to demonstrate how the problem arises and how you can quickly save the day with your professional team of experts; to provide beneficial, informative, and useful facts about your skill and credibility as an industry leader amongst your competitors. Post the final clips on your website as well as social media circles.
Apply some SEO keywords to attract more visitors to your web pages. Use the video to improve your SEO results, to draw new traffic to your webpages.
You can also enhance your industry videos by utilizing professional paid promotions to boost your online brand visibility.
How-to videos are used as a guide to explain in a systematic format about a task or activity by the use of simple DIY instructions. One of the best how to videos is a short precise clip where the expert introduces their products, the procedures to follow, required equipment followed by a small demo on how the product works.
How–to videos cover a wide range of topics such as product usage, industry guides explained in a simple systematic format. You can also research on a key worded question format to make engaging question and answer content.
In this type of video coverage, you may start by introducing your industry statistics and demonstrate how a service or product should be used. Mention your product as a lasting solution to the clients' mind. Create a positive mindset so that your audience does not forget about your company or your brand.
Once you're done with the video edits, it's time to post it to the world. What is the best possible platform to use, to capture a large audience at once? Well, it depends on how many visitors your website typically attracts once you post content. Two, your social media platforms followers–this is where you can easily attract new and existing followers to view your new how-to video.
Post on all your web pages and have social media marketers in your company engage with the audience as traffic builds up on all your web platforms.
Commercials are short-lived, eye-catching videos that focus on a specific message you want to introduce to your audience-a brand, a product or service delivery.
Commercials dwell on excitement!
Consequently, you need to come up with catchy lines, a dreamy stunning background and attractive models to steal the hearts of your audience.
Visual commercials have been in existence for as long as you can remember. Some videos that were produced moons ago still linger in the minds of the audience long after the commercial video aired. Why is that? You may wonder.
Food videos like McDonald's fast food and coca cola have humanized their shot clips to make you not think of the product but to focus on the moment. Romantic couples on a night out, family picnics, movie nights, the list is endless really.
When you decide to make a commercial clip, focus on creating a memory instead of selling your products. Pick a story line to run with your ad. Ensure you're commercial has some trendy pick-up lines that resonate with your audience. Remember, to have a target audience as well.
Finally put across your message, let the viewers see your brand, feel your brand, and hopefully buy your brand. The goal is to identify an existing problem and your product is the ideal solution–Solve a problem save a life.
Make short punchy videos. About 20-30 seconds and share across your social media platforms. These days Facebook live is one of the best platforms to place an Ad. But you can also use other channels like You Tube, Google Ads as well as paid TV commercials.
Promotional videos dwell on pushing products or services to a selected group of customers using well thought out marketing strategies.
Promo ads project time-bound messages with a call to action limited to a specific time. They mostly sell crazy offers with slashed prices to entice a large number of buyers within a restricted time frame. Some brands will use events to lure in new clients with attractive short videos explaining how the promo works, or describes the products on offer. So what's in it for the client with promo ads?
Value. Your promotional video should communicate the products' significance more than how cheap it will sell. Talk of durability, quality stuff, saving you tons of money for the same deal elsewhere.
Give the details of the main event, where, when and how your prospective clients can participate in the promotion. P.R. videos make great brand awareness events and bring in hoards of new clients your way.
Once you have sensitized your clients with branding, perhaps now you need to move to the next level. To engage your clients on a personal level based on the demographics you've picked while doing the educational videos, commercial and promo videos.
Now your content needs to stand out: you must give it visibility over the sea of videos posted every waking second across the internet. This is the time to experience momentous growth in video marketing around creative video ads because clients expect high-quality film production, and engaging ideas.
Most online visitors expect high-impact videos distributed across websites available to them. Current video marketing trends hold around Instagram, Facebook Live, and perhaps your own websites if you have sufficient subscribers who regularly stop by to see what you brand has to offer.
Tap into personalized engagement using superior video content to increase your conversion rates. Focus on creating attractive videos within the first few seconds to grab the attention of your viewers.
Increase the ROI of your videos and engage your audience using these video making ideas to attract and retain clients easily.
A brand video showcases what your corporate culture is all about. It can range from a simple intro video displaying your company's features, values and how you relate to the outside world.
Be bold enough to include an explainer clip conveying one or two charismatic leaders to portray an interactive business atmosphere around your customers. You may also go further to expound on the core functions and your value proposition.
Describe your mission/vision in a one minute video offering your best USP(Unique selling point). Sell your company through simplicity, descriptions, and work around authentic SEO content sparingly used in your clip.
If you need financial support for a startup business, a Crowdfunding video will do the trick. These videos are highly specific and require direct marketing strategy to attract financiers to help grow your business. You can find great ideas on sites such as Kickstarter which has the highest rate of takers on startup projects. We're talking about a whopping 85% success rate according to a study done by MPW Media.
What about the meager 15% left out? You may ask. Well, the secret to having your crowdfunding video achieve funding success is VIDEO CONTENT.
Video marketing is about creating dreams that people want to experience and live in. Let me Paraphrase this for it to make visible sense: The easier your prospective clients can visualize themselves benefiting from your product or service, the more likely they are to make a decision to buy. Equally so, financiers must see the bucks coming in before your video clip ends. By this time you do not need to convince them to " say something " about your crowdfunding video.
Create a sellout clip that focuses on the future. Remember that technology revolves around growth, innovation and change. From whatever professional background you want to draw in additional capital, this is it-the future, sustainability for your business and for your prospective financier.
Use these video e life changing ideas and see yourself soaring, making money as if in dream land.
A customer spotlight video displays the genuine effects that your brand has achieved with one, or a few clients. Do not confuse it with a testimonial, because it's not. The difference is that a testimonial has the customer talking about you and your products or services, whereas a customer spotlight focuses on you talking about your customer's experiences with your products or services.
Spotlight videos present crucial opportunities for you-the entrepreneur to establish your clientele caliber, and portray the benefits they have found while using your products or services. Spotlights encourage brand owners to give genuine results from key customer satisfaction findings. You may use bold undertones but do not exaggerate what hasn't been experienced with your brand.
It is essential to strike the right balance with your audience if you're looking for lasting business relationships. The focus here is to sell the kind of care and service that the viewer agrees and validates from you to buy-in your brand. You are boldly asking your clients to stick with you–that your brand is the 'It' factor without having to talk about you, or your products!
To make a great spotlight video, let it be customer focused.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, we say a picture in motion is worth thousands more. Day in the Life video production creates one of the best ways to tell a story of your client and their families. The videos capture the emotional, physical, and social encounters your client faces in their daily routine. Your products then come in as a solution to fix these daily hurdles nd bring about a sense of relief and satisfaction in a refined and persuasive performance.
Day in the life videos help customers to mirror themselves using your video ads hoping to achieve similar results as seen in the video ads. These types of video ads have a longer time coverage set in a subplot portraying a buyer's personality similar to real-life situations.
The video may also remind your audience of a similar experience, reminiscent of the obstacle they experienced and how that experience attracts their desire to try your product or service.
If you can find actors to play in your day in the life videos, do so to add dramatic effects. Once you post the videos online, tag all your social media platforms to allow customers to engage and discuss about what the video brings out. Now go to the comments section and answer questions as the conversation flows. You will find a few, or numerous orders, questions and clarifications that require answers. Here, any positive or negative feedback is a potential customer. Engage wisely and filter through to acquire new customers.
Product videos express the top features of your products and services. They are a crucial part of your marketing strategy as the video clips provide viewers a chance to see how your merchandize or services works in action.
Consider the following ideas to create your product videos, and you'll realize the outcomes in no time:
Keep it short and sweet—explain how the product works through the customer's in under a minute. Make the narrative as personal as possible.
Emphasize on the problem
Think out of the box and come up with a memorable brand storyline. Give your viewers a problematic scenario followed by an insightful brief on why your products are the solution.
Provide information and value
Take a real-life narrative and showcase your product functionality. Focus on what your products offer-it may be safety, satisfaction, visible results-whatever your brand delivers, let it be seen in your product video.
Focus on one main feature
You can make a product demo to reveal new product features. Focus on the special features that could turn into a big business opportunity when presented to the right consumer.
Find an attention-grabbing approach
Here you'll need to present a unique factor about your product or services. Focus on functionality, speed, and quality.
Product videos give you an opportunity to show off what your business can do visually. This makes your product more reachable and appealing to viewers. Remember, seeing is believing, and a solid product video will convince your customers to buy.
Social content videos are mainly filmed to feature on social media platforms. The videos contain short clips that are engaging, playful, and persuasive enough to be shared with friends, groups across the internet.
Animoto survey reveals a growing consumption of video content shared on social platforms, also referred to as the "golden age" of online video marketing.
With social media content videos, anything goes! No need to figure out the perfect lines to say, or a flawless scene to shoot your video. As an entrepreneur, find ways to be resourceful with your video content. You may also repurpose your existing content to create videos, meaning you don't have to use a camera to produce new stories or shoot footage when making videos.
The survey also reveals that 60 percent of surveyed consumers confessed to watching branded video content on Facebook daily. They also say that watching a video on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Snapchat has influenced a buying decision.
In a nutshell, make short, punchy videos to post across your social media platforms. You can edit the video length to suit your preferred social platform-which must have a considerable number of followers/friends for maximum viewership.
So you have gained trust with of some of your clients and have seen repeated views on your website. Do not be tempted to drop product videos all over the place now that you have an unsolicited number of loyal fans–even access to their email addresses for direct email marketing.
Firstly, recognize your brand goal. You really need an understanding of what you're putting across to ensure you develop content that your clients can quickly grasp. Speak directly to them.
Your objective is to create video content that makes your audience feel the need to buy into your solution-based products.
Secondly, capture client attention in the current stage they are in, offering them only what's necessary to advance to the next stage. Guide your client leads through awareness to produce results. At this stage, its best to keep your product features and promotions tucked away. Focusing on your client needs is a specialty you need to nurture. Below is a list of best practice video ideas that will pay off handsomely:
A comparison of before and after videos create a nostalgic feeling of the transition of life, or events–They demonstrate a realistic presentation of a client's product experience using the before and after technique.
These videos act as major inspirational content for viewers stuck in a bad place because they can't seem to find the right product that will change their lives.
The before and after videos add value to your audience because they desire the same results as shown–only that they didn't know how to go about the change. Your video can be of great help if produced with a compelling storyline that majority of your audience resonates with.
The client mirror themselves, as they begin to understand how your product works. Make clear definitive descriptions, benefits and timelines in order for your viewers to achieve the same results.
Since seeing is believing, the before and after video convinces clients to finally decide to jump the hurdle and buy your product. They can now see themselves experiencing the wonderful transformation that triggered a call to action-to buy and try out your product. Post your video across all your social media pages alongside.
Imagine you're reading an interesting story about how the narrator struggled through a situation, and then, a product she came across turned their life around. But it's just a story. Anyone can write a story and post it anywhere for validation.
Now imagine you have stumbled across a video of a person narrating their story. There's a lot of emotions involved–similar to, say, the stories on 700 club testimonies. It seems so real. You can resonate with the struggles in their voice; see the relief in their eyes, their bold smile while describing how the product saved their life. You twitch in your chair as you try to understand their pain–and the relief they felt later.
The truth is that case studies are more convincing, emotional and engaging. That's the distinction between standard text narrative case studies and videos case studies.
Case study videos are more convincing because they're built on authenticity and trust. They allow your happy clients to share their stories and that makes all the difference.
Publish your case study video on your website home page, share the link on Twitter, or post it on Facebook Live. There are no limitations to where you can post your case study videos.
Third-party endorsements such as customer testimonials are a great substitute to encourage your viewers to see your brand in the eyes of a customer–it is a perfect marketing strategy to increase your sales across social media channels, or paid advertising.
Testimonial Videos help to building trust and inform your target viewers about the authenticity of you products or services. these sort of videos work well when trying to convince buyers that are still not sure whether it's the right decision–to try out your product.
For the buyer's journey to arrive at decision stage, they are aware of a certain existing need/problem and can identify with your testimonial video. So a testimonial was the final push that they needed to make a buying decision.
You can develop a short video 20 minutes long with a happy client talking as you film their experience on camera explaining how your product solved their problem.
Follow these amazing video tips on how to make a compelling testimonial video clip.
Make it human
To get lasting results, make a real video with real folks. Give it a special touch, create a pleasant, credible storyline and make it genuine.
To bring your story closer home-or near your business community area it's crucial to show the geographic location where the video is taking place. It gives an overall background view that may be familiar to your customers "zone".
Prepare the questions
Prepare questions and have an overall idea of the key topics you'll cover to interview your satisfied customer or the "interviewee". This helps to obtain all the necessary info for producing a compelling video. Remember, the client volunteered to do some free marketing for you and they don't come by easily.
Give your client time to express themselves on every topic and illustrate on their experience with your product/brand.
Edit your video to highlight the important points the interviewee has said. Give your video a flowing rhythm and make it just lengthy enough between 1-3 minutes max. Make it brief, convincing and exciting.
Life hacks–as they're popularly known are tips and tricks videos with short punch lines that provide information about your brand or products.
90% of online users watch instructional videos when they want to solve problem quickly. Many businesses today are using videos to educate as well as market their key products and services.
When making your life hack videos bear in mind that not everyone will watch it to the end, so it's important to keep your video clips as short, funny, and visually dynamic.
Things to Consider When Making Your Life Hack Videos
1. Envision the message you want to pass across to your viewers. Think of a momentous take away video for your audience.
2. Set a clear informative objective for the video creation process.
3. Pick a video format depending on your video topic and the platform you're going to use to post the video. You can choose animated GIFS, animation, Facebook Live videos, or YouTube videos.
4. Determine your video budget. Consider your video format and hiring a video editor or you can do it yourself to determine the overall budget estimates.
5. Make a short length video—two minutes max to ease viewers' mental overload.
With this planning, in hand begin your scriptwriting. And consolidate your ideas into a script.
Tips and tricks videos are fun in nature because of the use of animation, special imagery, or graphic features to engage the viewer.
So go on and get creative!
Event videos feature occasions your company has hosted, or participated in the past. It may be an industrial event invite, brand recognition or a marketing initiative.
Event videos involve a lot of planning and networking with target customers, partners and service providers. You want to make your function a memorable one with quality videos and probably share clips across your social networks. You can pick special highlights or segments and edit those to post on your website.
If your company attended a corporate function, you can request the event organizers to give you clips where your brand was highlighted, or mention. Ensure your team is well prepared to sell your brand creatively, and to use every opportunity to showcase your brand, product or service.
Be subtle when talking about your product if you're attending an industrial event, community based entrepreneurs gala nights, political event with an invite only entry.
The important thing to note is that you must stick to the theme of the day–when given a chance to talk about your company.
FAQ videos are short clips that help your clients relate with your products or services on your website by answering frequently asked questions.
FAQ videos have evolved from the text version of frequently asked questions via text. Nowadays websites have a tiny pop up window that magically appears when you visit the sites. The person on the tiny window introduces themselves and offers to help you to navigate through their website!
If you decide to make a FAQ video, consider creating a set of relevant questions about your product or service and explain briefly on each question. Explain how to use the product and the benefits of your products. Remember to kiss it! (Keep it short and simple).
If you're not sure what to work with, research on the best topics to use and set the questions and answers in a way that will entice clients to buy. FAQS are educative videos but they don't have to be boring. Try to give relatable information that will convert your customers into happy repeat sales.
Product review videos come from a client or an influencer that has used your product or service and is giving feedback on their experience with your brand.
Unlike testimonials, product reviews can be random and posted by your customers on any medium they see fit. They can be a blessing and a curse at the same time. A blessing when the message is full of praise and joy when talking about their experiences with your product-or the entire video can go viral on social platforms if the owner decides to give your product a serious backlash.
Online visitors love reviews because they determine buying habits and decision making before clients click the send button to place an order when purchasing goods. Reviews reveal a lot of issues even you, the brand owner couldn't think of it before a mention was made. They help to regulate and improve on quality, service delivery, packaging, customer service; and the lifespan of the products.
If you decide to make your own video reviews, focus on the issues that genuine reviewers have talked about in the past. Give honest answers and expound on all areas of your brand to engage the customer in making the right decision to buy today, not tomorrow. Entice your clients with assurance on your products.
These types of videos are used to make major company announcements such as change of leadership or providing product updates such as new lines of products or services or brand overhauls.
Company updates are a common feature across industries today. These days we have also seen companies merging to form a single entity and require a new brand to sell the merged business entity. So when you think about making a company update video, ensure you have created newsworthy content.
Choose your brand ambassador wisely, if you're not going to do it yourself. Let the person have a calm demeanor, and they should also speak with passion, in a clear voice. Choose your business premises as the background, and if possible let the person walk around, or stand in a busy area of the premises. If possible you can add a little bit of fun by interacting with a few colleagues.
Make a call to action as you wind up and ask your audience to like your social pages, to checkout your website and to take advantage of the giveaways (if any) in closing.
A video series is a continuous short film released in bits to make your viewers engage and look forward to your next clip.
Video series, if done properly are used to entice clients to keep visiting your website for more content. You can leave previous editions for new visitors to keep themselves busy as they browse through your blog, if they're looking validation, before they buy your products.
There's no limit to what you can do with your videos. You can use short or lengthy clips as long as the message flows in the entire video series. Video series are great marketing tool for service providers such as professional trainers, life coaches and marketers. Series videos also work well in the food industry for destination chefs or confectionary makers.
The list is endless here. Figure out your USP (unique selling point and create a series of videos along this thought. Feel free to use any format and remember to share across all your relevant social networks.
At this stage, you obviously have loyal fan base, clients who actually look forward to your informative videos and they are so loyal that they also wait for your upcoming products or can't wait for you to restock your shelves. This is an achievement! Congratulations for your hard earned work.
Now it's time to delight your customers with appreciative videos. You can tailor-make them to suit seasons or set up a raffle to be won by your loyal clients as a reward. Customers appreciate recognition and love freebies as well. The endgame here is to receive as many referrals as possible. Your appreciation videos also attract new curious customers so keep them engaging and as enjoyable as possible.
Welcome videos generally appreciate new visitors or clients who have made the first purchase from your collection of products. It is an informative video that updates clients on what to expect in future.
When filming a welcome video, remember that you're engaging people who hardly know your brand. They made a leap of faith and decided to buy–perhaps out of influence from friends, or a product video you posted earlier. Avoid overselling and overexplaining yourself.
Keep an enthusiastic attitude and you probably want to explain how the product works, complimentary products to use alongside what they've just purchased. Or you could just give a brief thank you speech. Have a small, neat display of your products lined up to give a short introduction as a series of products in your current stock.
Mention your brand mission and provide details of how the clients can reach you. Give a brief guide on how your clients can navigate through your social pages for direct conversations. Finally give a vote of thanks, offer to answer questions on the enquiries section and to make clients feel appreciated at all times. Post this video on your preferred social sites or you can email it directly to your first-time customers.
A thank you video gives appreciation for taking their time to appreciate your brand either with a sale, an event attendance or joining your social circles.
A thank you video list is endless; you can choose a variety of reasons to personally thank your customers for gracing your brand awareness program, for attending a high tea that you organized, or for writing positive reviews.
You can also do a group thank you video with all your team members, have a team leader give a brief speech, mention your company's mission and promise to deliver quality products. At the end of the video you can all shout in unison "Thank youuuuuu! From all of us here at …..
This is an amazing video idea that will have your clients feel more than appreciated. They will feel as part of a team, a culture–and for you, your brand will stand out as a company that truly takes their time to reach out to their customers.
Post your video on your preferred medium, and don't forget to ask your clients to share it across their social platforms as a marketing idea.
Tutorial and instructional videos demonstrate to users step by step how to use a product–if it's too technical to explain in words. These videos help first time users to navigate through the tutorial as many times as they wish so as to understand how things work.
These videos are mostly used by technology companies, industries, cooking classes or DIY videos. You can include music as you silently work through your tutorial–and the client follows through by watching.
Alternatively, you can give a talk as you demonstrate what you're doing, the items you're using and how to fix, or assemble a product. Physical exercises also work well with instructional videos where a yoga specialist silently shows her techniques to an audience. You can also make how–to videos to teach a certain skill like a make-up tutorial, or how to build a house from scratch.
The key issue here is to work with your target audience, your product or services on offer and research the tutorial videos trending in your genre.
Instructional videos can be live-streamed or filmed to be posted later on your website, or social media platforms. You tube is a great place to post such videos because you can sign up for a channel and have subscribers follow you to keep up with your tutorials.
Announcements are statements made to pass along an important message to your employees or to clients. They relate to changes in the company hierarchy, significant company updates, product announcements or CSR initiatives.
Public announcement videos are done in line with your company strategic decision making process. It is the final step to actualizing company goals, and it could also be a time to announce the financial position of the company. This is often a well thought out plan that requires top management input to approve the announcements to the public.
Most announcements do not necessarily mean that you have to sell, or promote a product. Announcements are deliberate communication to staff-internally, or to clients on major decisions made in your company. You can publish your tailored-made announcement in a press conference or post it on your web pages or across your social media channels.
Bloopers resemble comedy, only that they're not published on paid to air TV channels. They're created to pass along a message with a humorous touch to it.
If you love sitcoms then you'll definitely love making your own bloopers-unscripted funny videos that bring out the humorous side of your team members during a film making process. These are the hilarious uncut parts that happen during filming of a scheduled video shoot for your clients.
They do not sell or promote any product, but only aim to entertain your clients. It is a Kind of just for loughs moment in the middle of serious business.
To achieve the best results with bloopers, just roll the camera and go with the flow. You'll get amazing funny content to share with your clients–on a light note.
Have your technical team edit some of the best bloopers you can find and piece them together as "unforgettable moments. You can post them randomly on your social media sites, or your websites to entertain your clients.
Growth is part of business. Once you've worked so hard and done serious marketing videos the entire year or season. The results should pay off with profits trickling in to your bank accounts. You probably need bigger workshops or office spaces to accommodate your growing team. Now you need to recruit and hire a team of experts to help run your team.
You also need to have training standards for the new hires and a short video welcoming them to your company-explaining how things work, rules and regulations.
You can also produce standard videos about company culture, team expectations, the HR explaining company benefits and the overall performance of the company.
You can also produce standard videos about company culture, team expectations, the HR explaining company benefits and the overall performance of the company. Internal team videos should be informative and creative enough to attract new hires and to make them believe that it is the place to be. They should feel welcome and that the working environment is professional but friendly.
This is a hiring video produced to attract prospective employees into your corporate culture. Since they're an informal invite, potential candidates are drawn in to seek a vacancy, making it easier for you to recruit and retain employees.
This is an opportunity to sell your company to attract the best hires in your industry. Decide carefully the message you want to put across. If your industry is flooded you may want to work with only the best. So talk about your company history, and expound on why you're the best employer in terms of company benefits.
Highlight your success and mention the dedicated teams that made you a success to date. Remember, you do not want to attract lazy hires looking for a fat salary, a mortgage and a car. You want performance based individuals, so make it clear in a subtle way that performance iskey. Give a brief tour of your business premises.
Let your audience see the kind of infrastructure you have invested in and lure them with the attractiveness of a safe, clean, and secure working environment.
Post your video on your websites or blog, as well as professional sites such as LinkedIn.
A team video can be a team building activity, or a team marketing video to show your customers that they can rely on your product or service delivery.
Employee themed videos showcase a dedicated team of individuals who appreciate and love their job. They can be used to assure clients of quality and time bound services. The clients also get to experience the human side of your company. They recognize your team members' features and attitudes expressed in videos.
You can produce a marketing video or take advantage of events that your teams attended and use them to post on your social media platforms. You can also give a brief description of the team members to let your clients have an in-depth idea about your team culture, and professionalism. Let some of the team members explain, or better still, give a tour of their individual departments.
Include a blooper clip or two to make it fun and engaging. Clients always appreciate when you let them into your world. They appreciate how you treat your employees and how well organization looks when you post such videos. Post your edited team video on your official websites-homepage or the Teams' section (if you have one).
A training video highlights a learning environment, or a tutorial giving instructions on how to perform their tasks.
These are internal videos shared to relevant departments or individuals on performance expectations. Training videos can be produced by team specialists in the organization, or they can be purchased to illustrate how things work with machinery, or complex tasks.
As an employer, you can schedule specific days for the training to take place, or you can have the employees train on a need based formula.
Another form of training videos is where you invite a trainer to come and give a professional training to your staff as an industry requirement. You may then keep the video for future reference to new hires in whenever you bring new staff.
You do not have to make training videos since you can always buy tutorials when the need arises. Plan ahead, and analyze which areas of your company require training for better job performance. Gather your training videos and organize with department heads when to roll out the training programs.
These videos save time and money, where you have new hires who can watch the videos with little guidance. Some of the training videos you can invest in include
professional tutorials, interactive product training clips, welcome videos for new hires and many more. Secure all your training films in a locked area, or save them in cloud mode on your computer.
Employees always look forward to end year parties and company events because there's a high expectation of rewards and celebration. This is a crucial time for your company to look back and recognize performance and growth.
Year-end acmes showcase the journey from beginning to end–marking the company's successes and hurdles in a creative video format.
Year-end Highlights reveal effort, growth, profits, and of course the best people that made it happen.
You can revisit your previous videos and pick the best clips, pictures, events, training, CSR activities; clients' feedback, the list is endless!
Get your technical team to work on a compelling video that highlights some of the memorable moments you've experienced as a company. Employees feel appreciated when they are recognized for their hard work.
Clients also feel appreciated for investing in the company in terms of bringing in sales. The management also feels accomplished when you mention their skills in keeping it all together through the year. You can include any positive content in your year-end highlights to accommodate each department.
Share your beautiful highlights in a Christmas party gala night or on New Year's Eve to mark the end of a successful season.
Award videos showcase recognition. This is a special moment for all participants in your company as everybody looks forward to attending and participating in such an auspicious occasion.
You can organize an internal award ceremony if your organization is large enough. If not, you can sign up to participate in industrial awards where different categories in your company can receive recognition.
Other award ceremonies include best golf players' awards, best CSR participants, active employees in charity work-and many more.
Employees definitely look forward to these huge events–to show off and of course to receive professional recognition. It is also a time to market your company–but this is not why you'll be making award videos.
Once you have gathered your video compilation, share them across the web-anywhere really, it's up to you and let your viewers engage and give you feed back for a job well done.
Now that you have so many ideas, options on how to make compelling videos go on and get started! Invest in a good quality video equipment to produce top of the rage motion pictures. If you still have no clue how to go about video making techniques, don't worry, we're here to help you get started.
In the meantime write a few ideas that you can work with. Do a quick research on what viewers find interesting to watch and see if you can work from that angle.
Pick out a background for your first video, set it up with the right tools and you're ready to go. Share with us your first video experience! We can't wait to watch it! Happy filming!
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