Every Resolution You Need For Social Media Advertising + Tips

One of the most effective ways to advertise these days is through social media. Here's everything you'll need. From resolutions, tips, tricks, and more.

Everyone is engaged in this virtual platform. Data gathering is easy. You can effectively draw in your target audience if you know the right thing to do.

However, social media trends are very erratic, especially when it comes to videos. Aside from the changing search algorithms, video specs for different platforms also vary. You cannot apply the same across social media pages. It is because various platforms have varying requirements. You have to be familiar with them so that you can do it right. 

If you plan to advertise on different social media pages, it will help to have a cheat sheet. It is for quick reference on the specs required by each platform. We want to help you out with that. Below, you will see a simplified guide on the different content specifications for the top social channels where you can advertise. Read them, print them out, if you must. They will guarantee proper output for your videos. 

Top social media platforms to advertise on

There are many options around the web to advertise your products. However, not all of them are effective. Choose to put your hard-earned money on the ones that will give the fastest returns. Although they may cost more than the others, the results you get from them is worth it. What follows are some of the top pages where you can advertise your content. 

Amazon marketing videos

Amazon is a straightforward way of marketing your products. People go to this website looking for something to buy. So, all you need to do is make sure your brand is the first to meet their eyes when they visit the site.

When you make an Amazon video ad, you level up your product. It brings your brand on top of the rest, making it appeal to more audiences. Using paid ads also makes them appear on top of competitors. This added effort on your part gives the impression that you are taking your customers seriously.

Starting a video ad campaign is a breeze with these Amazon video specs guides. Read and follow them to ensure that you get the right dimensions for your posts. 

Product video specifications

You can place your Amazon video ads on specific or targeted Seller Central pages. 

Video format: MOV, MP4, 3GP, AAC, AVI, FLV, and MPEG-2
Video length: minimum 15 seconds, maximum 20 minutes or more
Maximum file size: 500 MB
Resolution: 1920 pixels x 1080 pixels (max); 1280 pixels x 720 pixels (min)
Acceptable aspect ratio: (horizontal) 16:9 

Amazon video ads 

If you are looking to place ads on Amazon websites or in its mobile applications, these are the social video specs that you need to follow: 

Video format: MP4, H.264, and MPEG-2 formats
Maximum length: 3 minutes
Maximum file size: 500MB
Resolution: 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels
Acceptable aspect ratio: (horizontal) 16:9 

Demand-Side Platform (DSP) videos

You can also post DSP video advertisements across the web. It may appear on targeted websites based on available user data. 

Video format: FLV, MP4, and WebM formats
Maximum length: 2 minutes
Resolution: 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels
Third-party size: 630 pixels x 630 pixels
Acceptable aspect ratio: (horizontal) 16:9

Additional tips

Ideal Amazon video ads length is 30 seconds or less. Keep it short but filled with pertinent information about your products.

Maximize the impact of the video by highlighting product features and benefits. Refrain from making it overly dramatic. Show off the product's primary characteristics and the most significant selling points. 

Use clear close-up shots of the items you are selling for maximum effect. You may also do a quick demo or instructional video. It will increase interest among customers if they can understand your product well. 

Avoid distractions by choosing a plain background. Make the item stand out by experimenting on different angles. 

Mention or showcase the brand name prominently. Do this also in the video title and short description.

Ensure that you use the right specs for the intended platforms to ensure that it will play correctly. 

Do not overemphasize. Tackle only the most practical things that your customers might want to know about your items, like its main selling points or what makes it in demand.

Facebook Advertising

Facebook is the leading social media platform in terms of average daily users. With over a billion people using it daily, capturing just a fraction of that will give your business its much-needed boost. Despite the growing number of competitors, it remains a useful tool in promoting products and services.

Now, all you need is the right video to accompany your ads, and your Facebook campaign is a sure hit. Follow the specified video dimensions to come up with a material that will pass standards. 

Facebook Feed 

One of the places your ads may appear on FB is in the news feed. It is the first place users see when logging on to this page. 

Video format: MOV or MP4 format
Maximum length: 4hours of 240 minutes
Maximum size : 4 GB
Resolution: 1280 x 720 pixels with a width of 600 pixels. Acceptable aspect ratios are 9:16 for a full portrait; 16:9 for landscape. It also supports 4:5 and 2:3vertical and 1:1 square orientations.

Carousel Ads 

Carousel advertising enables you to post a maximum of 10 videos in just one advertisement, each having a unique link. It makes a perfect venue for advertisers to maximize their ad posts. This type of ad may appear on feeds, articles, or in the marketplace.

Video format: MOV or MP4 format
Maximum length: 4hours of 240 minutes
Maximum size: 4 GB
Number of clips: 2 videos (min), 10 video (max)
Resolution: 1080 pixels by 1080 pixels (max); 600 pixels x 600 pixels (min)
Acceptable aspect ratios: 1:1 square orientation

In-Stream Videos 

You may also have your ads played before a favorite video or while in the middle of it. 

Video format: MOV or MP4 format
Maximum length: 15 seconds Maximum size: 4 GB
Resolution: 1280 x 720 pixels with a width of 600 pixels. At the minimum, it has to be 600 pixels x 315pixels (landscape, 1.9:1) or 600 x 600 pixels (square, 1:1).


You may also play your ads on Messenger via sponsored messages or on the Home screen. 

Video format: MOV or MP4 format
Maximum length : 4 hours of 240 minutes
Maximum size: 4GBResolution: 1280 x 720 pixels
Acceptable aspect ratio: (horizontal) 16:9 to 1.91:1 

Additional tips

Make sure that the content of the video will accomplish your goal. Keep it concise, direct, informative, but at the same time, fun, and relatable. 

Make the most out of the first 15 seconds of your video; if you can keep it at that length, better. Otherwise, 90 seconds should be max. If you go for a longer one, make sure that it catches the   to keep them watching until the end.

Keep the storyline simple. Use appropriate background music. Do not include things irrelevant to your product. 

A proper camera focus is necessary—Pan on your brand logos in a subtle but impactful way. 

Use subtitles whenever applicable to make the message clearer. 

Instagram Video Ads

If your target is the younger market base, then you must post ads on Instagram. If you don't know yet, Facebook also owns this platform. It shares most of the latter's audiences. It is just that those on Instagram are more engaged and are more open to brand advertising.

Instagram ads often look like stories or posts. You will identify the difference by the "sponsored" label given to it. Like with its mother company, you also need to know the specific Instagram video ad specs to post your ads successfully.

IG Feeds 

One of the most comfortable places to post an ad on Instagram is through its feeds. You can instantly attract your audience, and hopefully more followers, by placing your ads here. 

Video format: MOV or MP4 format
Maximum length: 60 seconds Maximum size: 4 GB
Resolution: (vertical) 600 pixels x 750 pixels; (horizontal) 600 pixels x 315 pixels; and (square) 600pixels x 600 pixels
Acceptable aspect ratio: 1:1 (square); 4:5 (vertical); 1.9:1 (horizontal) 

Carousel Ads 

Stream short video advertisement clips using carousel ads in IG. It also appears on the feeds but contains a maximum of 10 videos. 

Stream short video advertisement clips using carousel ads in IG. It also appears on the feeds but contains a maximum of 10 videos. 

Instagram stories

With proper placement and the right audience targeting, your IG stories ads will get more returns than most of the other places you can place where you can post your videos. It will appear in between user IG stories. Your target audience will instantly see what you posted as they browse. 

Video format: MOV or MP4 format
Maximum length: 60 seconds; ideal is 15 seconds
Maximum size: 4 GB
Resolution: 1080 pixels x 1920 pixels (max); 600 pixels x 1067 pixels (min)Acceptable aspect ratio: 9:16 and 16:9 to 4:5 

Additional tips 

Instagram users are highly visual. They tend to go to this site to view pictures or watch videos. Use the15 to 60 seconds video length allotment to your advantage. Make the ads engaging and impactful. 

First impressions last. What the audience sees in the first 5 seconds will determine if they will finish the ads or not. Keep the message powerful and concise at the start of the video.

Besides knowing the right Instagram video ad specs, it also helps to know proper keyword and hashtag placements. You may come up with your catchy ones or ride on the stats of the currently trending tags. 

Caption your video well. Use engaging or intriguing sentences calling viewers to action. 

Proper use of music, animation, brand logos, and eye-catching visuals is a must. 

Avoid wide shots, static videos, and voiceovers. Do not make ads that require subtitles as IG does not have this functionality.

Twitter Video Advertising

Twitter is not the top choice for video ads marketing platforms. But did you know that across all sites, it has the highest click-through rates? It is for this reason that you must begin rethinking your strategies. You might be missing out on a great opportunity by not trying out this social website.

You go to Twitter to be informed, to be entertained, and to communicate. You can reach almost everyone with a hashtag and a tweet. Twitter ads are often in-stream, which makes its CTR higher. Also, marketing posts are cheaper here compared to the competition. It means getting more returns for a lower cost. 

Here are the Twitter dimensions to follow when you start exploring this option: 

Feed video

You can see Twitter video ads organically in the feed, or you may go premium and have it appear on the pre-roll of trending videos. 

Video format: MOV or MP4 format
Maximum length: 2 minutes and 20 seconds
Maximum file size: 512MBResolution: 1920 pixels x 1200pixels (max); 32 pixels x 32 pixels (min)
Orientations: (square) 720 pixels x 720 pixels; (horizontal) 1280 pixels x 720 pixels; (vertical) 720pixels x 1280 pixels
Acceptable aspect ratios: 1:2.39 to 2.39:1Pixel ratio: 1:1Audion: stereo or mono 

Additional tips

Include all essential details in 15 to 30-second length videos. Although Twitter allows up to 140 seconds, shorter ads get better results. 

Contents posted on this platform will last for only a short period. Make sure that you come up with an output that will impact and has a strong brand recall.

The action taken by the viewers determines the effectiveness of your ad. Thus, make sure that you add CTA (call-to-action) to your output. 

Focus on the ultimate goal. Do not be distracted by the desire to engage. Make the Twitter video ad direct but fun. 

Use appropriate sound, animations, and imagery. 

Pinterest video ads

Pinterest is a leader in lead conversions when it comes to social media marketing. With its highly visual and active audiences, you have a high chance of converting each page impression to sales.

Another advantage is that the Pinterest share of active users is mostly from the younger generation. Those who are 40 years old and below. Stats also show that these are people who have higher spending capacity than many of those who frequent other social media platforms. It may not have the same fanbase as Facebook, but they are quality prospects in marketing. 

If you want to have a piece of the Pinterest market, you better follow the right specs. Videos made on this platform is a surefire way to increase sales if done correctly. 

Pinterest feed videos

Marketing video ads are posted in the Pinterest feeds. It usually occupies around one or two columns. 

Video format: MOV or MP4 format
Maximum length: 30 minutes
Maximum file size: 2 GB
Resolution: (square) 600 pixels x 600 pixels and (vertical) 600 pixels x 900 pixels ; minimum 240pixelsAcceptable aspect ratio: (vertical) 9:16 and (square) 1:1 

Additional tips 

Highlight the advantages of your products and services succinctly. Keep it under 15 seconds if you can. 

On this platform, visitors come to browse for things that interest them. If you cannot get their attention in the first few seconds, you will likely lose them. 

Since the audience here is visual, make sure that you use powerful images, explicit videos that are short but interesting and educational.

Pay careful attention to the product or the brand that you are introducing. Focus on the selling features without being overly pushy. 

Do not rely heavily on sounds. Although this can help make the overall output better, videos play without music on this site when viewed at 50%.

Make the visuals simple to follow. Use close up shots and proper lighting. 

How-to videos or the do-it-yourself types are highly marketable on Pinterest. You may try starting with them. 

LinkedIn Video Ads

If your business targets professionals, post your video advertisements on LinkedIn. It is a highly specialized platform that reaches around 630 million audiences. That is a huge market base for you. Filter by industry, job positions, titles, and more to make your post get the most impact.

LinkedIn has the most effective lead conversion, especially for business-related ads. It is where decision-makers are. So, you will have a better chance of monetizing every click and impressions. 

These said, you must know the proper LinkedIn video ad specs so that you can kick out your campaign. 

LinkedIn Feeds

Post ads on your feeds. You can boost them for added impact. Here are the LinkedIn video dimensions to follow:

LinkedIn video specs: AVI, ASF, FLV, H264/AVC, MKV, MP4, MPEG-1, MPEG-4, WebM, VP8, VP9,QuickTime, WMV2, and WMV3
Maximum length: 10 minutes
Maximum size: 5 GB
Resolution: 4096 pixels x 2304 pixels(max); 256 pixels x 144 pixels (min)
LinkedIn aspect ratio video: 1:2.4 to 2.4:1 

Video Ads 

 Another format that you can follow for the LinkedIn video is as follows. This kind of video also appears on the feed.

LinkedIn video specs: MP4
Maximum length: 30 minutes
Maximum file size: 200 MB
Resolution: 1920 pixels x 1080 pixels (max); 480 pixels x 360 pixels (min)
LinkedIn aspect ratio video: (square) 1:1 and (horizontal 16:9 and 4:3 

Additional tips

Define the target market before creating a video. That will help direct you to the right approach in creating a video ad.

Keep the video ads short. Although you can make a 90 second maximum in length, the shorter ones often give the best outcomes. A 15 to 30-second video that can excitingly develop your brand will be most effective. Remember that you are dealing with professionals here. They do not have much time to waste. So you have to get your message across quickly.

Show outstanding professionalism and sophistication in your content. Flaunt your knowledge of the industry you are targeting to make your audience understand that you know what you are doing. 

Make sure to create powerful brand recall. The visuals, sound, camera focus, and other techniques must emphasize your brand. However, be careful not to sound very promotional. 

Do not assume that your viewers know your brand. Make a strong introduction that will leave a lasting positive impression.

YouTube video ads

What better place to start your video advertising than on YouTube! Video is king on this platform. You can create any kind of content here and post it on your own social media pages. Doing this works in two ways. It helps boost the viewership of the video while helping promote the contents of your page.

More than video sharing for almost anything, you may also include video ads in existing YouTube videos. It creates a lot of audience engagement that converting views to sales became so much easier. 

Creating content for YouTube posting is basic. You may use any recording device and make clips of whatever appeals to you. However, if you will use this as a marketing platform, you need to know the recommended YouTube video specs.

YouTube player videos

The majority of videos are played on a YouTube player, whether online or for download. When making contents for this, here are the YouTube specs to follow: 

Video format: MP4, MPEG4, OV, AVI, MPEG-PS, WMV, 3GPP, FLV, and WebM formats
Maximum length: 12 hours
Maximum file size: 128 GB
Video size: 426 pixels x 240 pixels (min); 3840 pixels x 2160 pixels (max)
Resolution: 426 pixels x 240 pixels (240p) 640 pixels x 360 pixels (360p) 854 pixels x 480 pixels (480p) 1280 pixels x 720 pixels (720p) 1920 pixels x 1080 pixels (1080p) 2560 pixels x 1440 pixels (1440p) 3840 pixels x 2160 pixels (2160p)
Acceptable aspect ratio: (horizontal) 16:9 and 4:3 

YouTube video ads

You can play ads in many different areas on YouTube. Promoted video specs may not be completely different, but they each have an individual uniqueness. Depending on where they are, you need to take note of the right specs. 

Overall, they follow the same specifications listed above for videos viewed on players. Except for the things listed below: 

Skippable ads

You can find these types of ads before (pre-roll) or during (mid-roll) a video. The maximum length is12 hours, but you may skip after 5 seconds once it starts playing.

Unskippable ads

These may also appear pre-or mid-roll, but they are shorter than the usual ads. The maximum length varies per region, from 15 to 30 seconds. 

Mid-Roll ads

The only specs different with a mid-roll ad is the minimum length, which is 30 seconds.

Bumper ads

These are also unskippable short videos that appear before the central clip. Six seconds is the maximum length for this type.

Additional tips

YouTube videos can be of any length. However, keeping your audience's attention for so long is not easy. The average attention span is 15 to 30 seconds, so keep it at that length.

You may create any kind of content on this site. However, if you are targeting a specific audience, craft your content based on that. 

Choose an eye-catching thumbnail. It can help drive the audience to your post. 

Maximize your content by posting or embedding it in all social media accounts that you have. The more engagements, the higher the possible revenues.

Have a consistent schedule in publishing content. It is essential to do this, especially if you already have a steady stream of followers. The more consistent you are, the more engaged your target audience will be. 

Follow all the above rules, whether on YouTube pre-roll specs or in any other dimensional specifications. Never upload below standard videos. 

Social media video ads must-haves

No matter which platform you will use, there are things that you must do for your campaign to succeed. 

Have a call to action

Do not just engage your audience. In all your videos, make sure that you will entice the viewers to do something in connection to what they just watched. Call to action is the final push in making your audience patronize your products. 

Check if they work fine on different devices

If your video ads can be played on various devices, make sure that you can play successfully. Some videos may look fine on desktops or laptops but fail to load on mobile gadgets. Double-check that it is not the case before you publish.

Test what works

If it is your first time doing video ads, you might need to keep testing until you find which approach works for your target market. Most of the platforms above can measure engagements,  impressions, CTA, and others. Use these available data to see which content created the most impact on your customers. It may take a few tries before you get the intended results, but with diligence, you can make it.

Get on with video advertising

If you are not yet into social media video advertising, you are missing a lot. Give your business its needed boost by creating video content that will showcase all you have to offer. Reach more audiences, be visible across the virtual world. Just follow the guides above, and you are on your way to your brand's best performance yet.

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