Sometimes its easy to think of Silicon Valley and the tech industry as some lofty world constructed out in California that operates on its own terms completely isolated from reality.
Driver-less cars?
Advanced AI systems?
Block Chain?
We're still figuring out which setting on our toaster doesn't burn the hell out of the toast.
What has all that got to do with me as a consumer?
Complex new technology can be difficult to explain in a concise, marketable manner. How does an innovative tech company relate to the real world, you know, the one without space age facial recognition, sushi bars, and slides in their offices?
Standard ads are sort of a one trick pony. This is where the versatility in video marketing comes into play. Tech companies, now more than ever, are relying on carefully written storytelling videos that explain new technology in a digestible way for consumers and the market as a whole.
Here are several examples of tech giants who have already succeeded in creating emotional and people-centric stories:
In a bid to showcase its AI technology, Microsoft released a video featuring six comedians going head to head in a “laugh battle”. New AI technology has a facial recognition API which can detect the tiniest smirk or chuckle. The comedians battled to see who could break the other first.
The video does not feel like a commercial. Microsoft was able to provide audiences with more information about their AI technology while still entertaining them with popular comedians in a lighthearted setting. This is the perfect combination of something everyone recognizes and loves: comedy, and something people often hear about but don't particularly understand: AI.
Having regular people interacting in creative ways with new technology is a fantastic jumping off point for tech companies struggling to present their products or services to the world.
You guys, its not rocket science, jeez, its just brain surgery!
Intel did well to show how VR technologies are changing the face of healthcare. A video features the story of a woman who had to have an emergency craniotomy and how virtual reality helped her create more transparency to alleviate the unknown.
This video works because it captures the attention of the audience with a cliff-hanging story that is both emotional, compelling and portrays the life of a real person bettered by the presence of the technology.
The key to any form of video marketing is delivering the subject matter in a creative, relatable style. Remarkable storytelling videos are ones that take something totally advanced and technical and present it with simple, entertaining grace for any audience to enjoy.
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