Here is what You Need To Know Before You Post a YouTube Video On Instagram

A laptop computer is open to a youtube channel.

Expanding the audience and interaction is essential, which requires sharing content across different platforms. Many businesses and individuals in this age of social media have looked for creative ways to distribute their messages through various platforms. One helpful tool that can help with this is cross-platform video sharing, where you can exploit the best features of each platform for your videos. 

A person is holding a cell phone in their hand and taking a picture of a concert.

Can I post YouTube Videos on Instagram? 


It is possible to post a YouTube video on Instagram through various means. 



Method 1 


Link Sharing to Post YouTube Videos On Instagram   


Copy your YouTube video’s web address (URL). 


Paste that link into the caption or description when you post it on Instagram. 


Clicking the link leads one to the YouTube page where they’ll find your video. 


Still, in this way, you cannot play videos directly within Instagram; you must go to YouTube first. 




One click away from sharing your YouTube content with your followers on Instagram. 


It increases the number of views and allows people who use Instagram to watch some of those videos or recommend them to others. 


Drive traffic towards more viewings as well as subscribers on the YouTube channel. 




This could lead to less engagement since viewers need to leave the Instagram app and visit the YouTube platforms before they can stream your recording. 


While not all bells and whistles work much with YouTube videos using Instagram, a limited range of content is available for uploading. 


Some people may like consuming direct content from Instagram without going anywhere else. 


To counter these limitations, however, create such kinds of posts that would perform well on either side, plus use exciting captions along with teasers that would draw attention from potential viewers towards checking out similar clips uploaded by yourself on YouTube. 


Also, remember to communicate with people who comment below your posts, creating a solid community around it via two platforms. Hence, this is how one can maximize the value of YouTube shares on Instagram and benefit as much as possible while minimizing the demerits. 


Engagement Tips 


Make sure you ask your Instagram followers to click on the post link so that they can watch the full video on YouTube. Make it easy for them to access your content. 


Use catchy headings or teasers in your Instagram posts that make people want to click on the link provided and watch your video. 




Ask your Instagram followers to leave comments or share their thoughts after watching your video on YouTube. This helps create a conversation around your content. 


Engage with the comments and feedback you receive on both Instagram and YouTube. Responding to viewers helps build a community and shows that you value their input. 




You could use some exciting highlights from your YouTube videos in Instagram posts as a teaser. It may encourage more users to view the videos via YouTube. 


More extended parts of these clips could be displayed within IGTV or even stories using Instagram, so they should refer back to such persons toward complementary channels that hold additional information, thereby upping user rate plus commitment levels respectively. 


By following these strategies, you can reach out effectively to both platforms, thus channeling more traffic toward the YouTube site and attracting more significant views than subscribers. 


All boils down to follower engagement, promoting creativity-related content, and making it easier for anyone interested in seeing that raw video footage elsewhere at any time across all locations whatsoever to access it from any point globally. 

Method 2 


Using Third-Party Apps to Post YouTube Videos On Instagram   


Third-party apps are tools made by other companies that help you share your YouTube videos on Instagram more efficiently. 


Usually, these apps require you to log in to both your YouTube and Instagram accounts within the app. 


Upon logging into the program, you can decide which video from YouTube is shared with Instagram followers. 


Another feature these apps offer includes options such as customizing how your video shows on Instagram or even preparing posts for future times. 


Other popular third-party applications for sharing YouTube videos on Instagram include Repost for Instagram, Video Downloader for Instagram, and InstaPaper. 


Always check user reviews and ratings before trusting any third-party app. 


These third-party apps will streamline your sharing of YouTube content through your Instagram account and increase how fans view your videos. So, choose well-known sources of such apps and feel free to study their functions to make this approach work best for you. 


What third-party apps can help me share YouTube videos on Instagram? 


Some major third-party apps for sharing YouTube videos on Instagram are: 


  • Caption 


  • Repost for Instagram 


  • Video Downloader for Instagram 


  • Instapaper 


You can use these apps to share your YouTube videos conveniently by making them appear better to people who follow you on Instagram. Finally, reliable applications that have many features should be picked so that this method can be maximized effectively. 




Convenience: You do not need to copy-paste links manually when using those applications since they ease the task of sharing YouTube films on Instagram. 


Enhanced Features: Some of these may come with added features, i.e., customization alternatives of how a video looks on Instagram once posted thereon. 


Efficiency: They reduce time spent while sharing across different platforms, leading to fast-paced results, unlike if one does it alone without other systems' intervention available here. 




Security Concerns: Users must look out for security issues when they come across applications requiring access to their accounts. 


Compatibility Issues: YouTube may not be compatible with all third-party apps and such software on Instagram, thus causing problems. 


User Experience: People might prefer direct links over shared posts made by third-party apps, which can influence interactions between people. 


To maximize the effectiveness of this method, it is important to choose trusted and safe apps, study the utilities of these particular tools to optimize your online sharing experience and ensure that it aligns with your content promotion plan. By understanding these benefits and limitations, you can use third-party apps to post YouTube videos on Instagram. 

How to embed a YouTube video on Instagram 


To embed a YouTube video into an Instagram post, use the “Swipe-Up” option in your Instagram Stories or Sticker Link Button. Here is how: 


  • Open Instagram. 


  • Click Plus Sign, choose Story 


  • Choose the Chain Link icon 


  • Put the URL link from YouTube into the URL area and click the Done button. 


  • Select Either Your Story or Close Friends before tapping Choose Audience. 


If you don't have over 10,000 followers, use the Sticker Link Button on Instagram Stories to share a YouTube video on Instagram with your Story or selected friends. 


If you are using an Android phone or tablet (not an iPhone), you can paste its URL text. Another way would involve uploading the film camera shots via the YouTube Studio app. 


Using Instagram in Creative Ways to Promote YouTube Videos 


Use different techniques to engage your audience on Instagram and creatively promote your YouTube videos. Below are some of the ways of promoting YouTube videos through Instagram: 


Add Your YouTube Channel Link to Your Bio: Use your Instagram bio as a valuable space for advertising by promoting your YouTube channel link. 


Share Links to Your YouTube Videos on Instagram Stories: Create enticing video teasers or images with stickers and attach a YouTube video link that leads people directly to them when clicked on 


Turn Them into Snippets for Reels: Cut short sections from your regular YouTube content and share this on Instagram reels to bring more viewership. 


Promote New Videos in Relevant DM Groups: Share your new videos in relevant Direct Message groups to increase visibility and engagement. 


Share Behind-the-Scenes Videos: Share behind-the-scenes looks at your most recent work before it drops on YouTube. 


Tag Instagram Accounts that Repost Content Like Yours: Identify accounts that repost similar content, expanding their reach and exposure. 


Share Sneak Peeks of Upcoming YouTube Videos: Give hints about what will happen next time via sneak peeks or previews to arouse anticipation among viewers before you release the video later. 


Use Relevant Hashtags: Employ hashtags well to group posts under categories, making it easy for users to look for particular themes, thus enhancing discovery and interaction with them. 


Through these creative strategies, one can effectively leverage Instagram to promote their own YouTube channels, which can get them closer to a broader range of audiences. 

A person is holding a cell phone in front of a computer.

Can You Post YouTube Videos on Instagram Directly? 


Currently, you cannot post YouTube videos on Instagram. Here is what you need to know: 


No Direct Upload uploading YouTube videos directly to Instagram is not allowed. 


Alternative Methods you can share your YouTube videos on Instagram using link sharing or third-party apps mentioned above. 


Creating Separate Content Some users create a different version of their YouTube video specifically for Instagram. Producing content tailored to the Instagram format and audience could be time-consuming and exhausting. 


These alternative methods must be used to post your YouTube video on Ig as there isn’t a direct feature for uploading YouTube videos on Ig. Modifying your content for Instagram might take some extra work, but it will help you communicate effectively with your followers. 


Why doesn't Instagram Allow you to Post YouTube Videos On Instagram? 


Instagram does not allow direct uploads of YouTube due to its stringent conditions regarding video format and size. To share YouTube videos on Instagram, download the video, then adjust it according to what Instagram requires before finally uploading it. Additionally, certain restrictions have been placed by Insta Gram regarding what kind of content can be shared. You may also have to modify your YouTube Video slightly to ensure it conforms to the platform's policy before posting it here. 

How To Optimize a YouTube Video for Instagram 


Use Hashtags: Add hashtags (like #funny or #music) when posting your video on IG so more people can find and watch it. 


Select an Amazing Picture: Choose a fabulous image from your video to be the first thing people see before they click on it. This one should be able to make people view your video. 


Indicate Your Taste: The video should feature colors and images representing you or your brand. It is more accessible for people familiar with your videos to identify them. 


Make it Look Awesome: Concentrate on making your video visually appealing for Instagram. Instagrammers appreciate stunning visuals over chit-chatting films. 


Develop Attractive Thumbnails: Thumbnails can act as mini-posters for videos. Make sure your thumbnail is exciting for viewers and makes them turn to it by clicking on any part. 


Utilize Captions: This way, everybody can know what’s being said even though they cannot hear the audio; you need subtitles or closed captions to do so in videos. 


Following these recommendations will ensure more Instagram followers watch your YouTube videos because they will stand out among others and become enjoyable experiences. 

A person is taking a picture of a bowl of food on their cell phone.

What are The Requirements You should Have to Post YouTube Videos On Instagram? 


Here are the things you should keep in mind: 


File Format: Your video must be accepted by Instagram to have MP4 format with H.264 codec. 


Video Length: An average video can last for a maximum of 60 seconds, but ads can be up to 120 seconds long. 


File Size: Video files larger than 4 gigabytes cannot be uploaded on Instagram. 


Guidelines: Ensure your video meets all the rules Instagram sets, especially regarding proper content. Consider looking through their community guidelines to avoid finding yourself in trouble. 


These specifications for formats, lengths, resolutions, aspect ratios, and file sizes will make your videos look nice and reach out to your audience effectively via Instagram. To share your footage successfully via Instagram, following this guideline can help you connect with followers better. 



What is the maximum size permitted to Post YouTube Videos On Instagram? 


For instance, any IGTV or Instagram post must be at most four gigabytes, regardless of whether it comes from a feed, story, or reel. 


Instagram requires videos being uploaded to have at least a frame rate of thirty per second on mp4 or mov format while having a pixel width that’s about seven hundred twenty minimum. Each minute of recorded video clip can be no more than four gigabytes in terms of the largest file size allowed for Reels. 

Benefits Of Posting YouTube Videos On Instagram 


Increased Reach & Engagement 


Promoting YouTube videos via Instagram can help to increase reach and engagement in terms of likes, shares, and comments. 


Instagram’s growing user base, expected to surpass 1.35 billion users, provides a vast platform to tap into for promoting YouTube content. 


Enhanced Visibility And Brand Awareness 


Sharing YouTube videos on Instagram helps increase brand visibility and awareness among non-active YouTube users. 


Highlighting products or services through Instagram videos can be practical for exposing commodities and generating followers’ interest. 


Cross Promotion Opportunities 


Integrating YouTube video links within Instagram Stories or sharing teaser videos can channel traffic from Instagram to YouTube, thereby extending the reach of this content across platforms. 


Simply carrying over snippets from YouTube videos into IG Reels can take advantage of short-form video popularity on the platform for its own sake. 


Creative Marketing Strategies 


Creating teaser trailers, mash-ups of older videos, or how-to videos for Instagram may lend variety to content presentation and engage followers in new ways. 


Using temporary promotions such as limited-time offers or new product launches that will disappear after 24 hours will create a sense of urgency among subscribers, thus making them act immediately on whatever you want them to do using your story posts, for example, “only valid till tomorrow.” 


Optimized Video Content 


Because there is an autoplay feature on the platform, attention-grabbing seconds must be delivered at the beginning of Instagram videos to avoid losing the audience. 


Delivering useful material using entertaining, informative, or engaging information in Instagram viewer movies goes a long way in maintaining viewer interest and encouraging interactivity with viewers. 


Two women are sitting on a set of stairs looking at a laptop.

How to Post YouTube Videos on Instagram 


How long can an Instagram video last? 


Here is a brief explanation of total video durations on Instagram: 


People who use Instagram usually can upload videos at least 3 seconds long and up to ten minutes long. 


Verified accounts, including celebrities or famous brands, can post videos for up to sixty minutes. 


Instagram story video 


Ideally, Instagram stories are meant for fifteen seconds only. However, if you record a longer continuous video without breaks, your video will be uploaded in sixty seconds. 


Instagram live video 


The longest time the camera can record you on Instagram is four hours. This gives you enough time to interact with your fans directly through the application. 


Instagram reels 


These are short, fun, and creative videos. They can last 15 to 90 seconds, meaning you can showcase quick, exciting content. 


Consequently, these diverse durations on Instagram help viewers tailor their posts according to different sections of the account to engage effectively with audiences, whether it is a short film, a live session, or even a reel for creativity purposes. 

Common Mistakes When Sending YouTube Videos on Instagram 


Thus, here are more detailed explanations about common mistakes when sending YouTube videos on Instagram explained in teen-speak: 


Wrong File Type: MP4s and MOVs are favored over other formats by Instagram. It is difficult for Instagram to accept any format not on its list. Therefore, ensure your file is saved in the correct format before posting it on Instagram. 


Too Long: Only one-minute length is allowed for ordinary posts on Instagram. If yours exceeds this limit, verified pages allow up to 60-minute video clips, which can accommodate it there instead. 


Poor Quality: Low resolutions must be improved for Instagramming videos. To impress followers, always put out high-resolution ones that are visible. 


Inappropriate Aspect Ratios: Aspect ratio refers to how your video looks visually, i.e., shape-wise. For this reason, ensure that yours perfectly fits into the space available without being stretched or cut off while using the platform. 


Not Optimized for Mobile: When we use Instagram, more often than not, it’s on our mobile phones. Your video should be viewed on a smaller screen and still make sense. Test your video on smaller devices to see if it is clear and understandable. 


Irrelevant Content: Sometimes YouTube videos should not just be uploaded to Instagram. Ensure that the content is enticing and beneficial to your followers with that tone. It must match your style as well as what appeals to your audience. 


So, by avoiding these mistakes and ensuring that YouTube videos are in the correct format, length, quality, and relevant content for Instagram, you can engage your audience effectively while making an impression through them. 


Differences between posting a YouTube video on Instagram 




Like movies, YouTube videos are commonly shot horizontally, while Instagram videos are taken vertically, like selfie videos. For instance, if you want to shoot a YouTube video, you may need a tripod to hold the camera for a still camera shot, but you can do it yourself when shooting for Instagram. 


Length On YouTube, there’s no set limit to how long a clip can run; some go on for up to one hour. However, clips don’t last any longer than 60 seconds, which makes them perfect for watching during breaks or waiting for something else. 




These videos on YouTube are primarily for teaching or explaining things such as cooking, fixing a bike, etc. At the same time, the videos on Instagram are more about having fun and showing off cool stuff. Therefore, if you have something serious to talk about, use YouTube, but if it’s your new outfit or dance moves that you want to show off, use Instagram. 




People mostly watch YouTube videos on enormously large computers or TVs. On the other hand, Instagram videos are supposed to be managed through mobile phones where the screen is small. Consequently, select YouTube if you want everyone to see each detail. If you wish to see individuals walking down the streets watching your video, go for Instagram. 




In contrast, YouTube videos target adults in college or work, whereas Instagram videos focus on children and teenagers, such as those in middle and high school. As a result, if you want to reach out to many young people, please choose Instagram, but for older folks, we need to use YouTube. 




Uploading a YouTube video to Instagram is an option, and some special software is required. After doing so, it may appear better than when uploaded on YouTube. Still, with an Instagram video, everything is fine since we can put our Instagram video on instantly without anything else. First, Instagram gets more likes and comments than YouTube because these shorter ones are excitingly interesting. 


Final Words on How to Post YouTube Videos On Instagram:   


One way of achieving this is by sharing your YouTube content on Instagram, where a more extensive audience awaits you. However, differences between them, like length, orientation, and target audience, should be analyzed well before taking any step. 

To do it, you can place it there as a link in your Story or post it regularly. If you have an account for a business or if you have ten thousand followers, you can upload the link; otherwise, download the video first and then upload it to Instagram. Contact us for professional video production consulting or on how to Post YouTube Videos On Instagram. 

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